Friday, April 15, 2011

It is becoming apparent that worldwide controls are being set in place to stop natural medicine

There are so many benefits from natural healing that the ignorant and shortsighted people in powerful positions are trying to stop. Herbal natural medicine is about to be prevented from being freely used, legal and available.

Save the world's future health and freedom! Sign the petition now to stop this going ahead!!
Hear about it on the website.

Get involved and get more information..

Samantha Aungle

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Electric Chair

The inspiration for my track Electric Chair comes from the actual electric chair executions.

Although it doesn't sound that scary does it?

Be forewarned then!

As there are now images and links about the electric chair! Nothing gruesome.

And there are also those who die by lethal injection such as the blessed Aileen Wournos. Monster is a great movie for people to see the human side of her life if they can't handle the reality. Even though it attempts to depict the reality of her life. 

Okay I have had enough of the images I have looked at on youtube as it is full on.

Samantha Aungle

My first 25 reverbnation blogs

So all my past blogs will be pasted in this first blog. There are 25 to count, going back to the initial blog when I first joined reverbnation. And they’re all here for you to read. My next and following blogs will be a singular blog and contain better images and layout than the reverbnation blog.
Starting with the most recent.
Apr 12, 2011 at 06:41 PM
Again I will show you some thought provoking information
This information is available freely on the internet for anyone to read. I happened upon it through social interaction.
Think about it. You may go through denial of the information presented. If this is the case, then it just may be true for you as an experience. As denial of anything is the start of actualising change and releasing yourself from the lack of freedom that such darknesses have ensured for your life to be truly effective and doing what you enjoy freely.
My track Disrespect relates to the information.
Samantha Aungle
2.  Apr 11, 2011 at 09:04 AM
Think of the bunnies this Easter..
It’s cute to think of bunnies, hopping about, with big floppy ears and soft furry bodies. Or that famous “wascally wabbit” from Warner Bros, munching away on his carrot and making us all laugh.
However some companies still think it’s funny to use animals such as rabbits in experiments..
and I Don’t Think It’s That Funny..
Hear my song, find out what you can do to prevent cruelty to animals this Easter.
3. Apr 07, 2011 at 08:40 AM
Stupidity of youths with animals
I am appalled at the way that young boys and girls throw rocks at animals, and it has resulted in this..
I am so disgusted by this barbaric behaviour! There must be more respect of animals.
IDTITF – I Don’t Think It’s that Funny is my track about anti animal abuses.
Hear it now, and please respect our beautiful and precious animals!!
4. Apr 05, 2011 at 12:25 AM
So many animals need welfare everyday to ensure they stay alive!
And also other organisations that help so kindly to ensure the existence of animals in the wild and in domestic or other situations.
Listen to my track, IDTITF – I Don’t Think It’s that Funny, show your support.
5.  Apr 03, 2011 at 08:53 AM


“This was the Moon of Falling Leaves, and across the West on almost every Indian reservation, the Ghost Dance was spreading like a prairie fire under a high wind, … Agitated Indian Bureau inspectors and Army officers from Dakota to Arizona, from Indian Territory to Nevada, were trying to fathom the meaning of it…. Official word was: stop the Ghost Dancing. [It] was so prevalent on the Sioux reservations that almost all other activities came to a halt…. At Pine Ridge the frightened agent telegraphed Washington: ‘Indians are dancing in the snow and are wild and crazy…. We need protection and we need it now.’”
Dee Brown quotes
The wrongdoing to people in psychiatric institutions is not dissimilar to the oppression and killing off of cultural practices. Often people cannot express themselves, be passionate, dance, feel emotion, touch people, talk, sing, or do any thing beyond what is deemed normal behaviour. Which is to remain contained expressionless voids, not true humanity, not real soul, not who a real person is instead of their textbook version of what is deemed to be so right for a person to be.
Drugged up to the eyeballs, and rendered useless in daily life is no empowerment.
Disrespect, my song here on reverbnation is for that purpose, to protest against the wrongdoings of humanity. Their rapacious conscious and determined efforts to still humanity to become a whole lot of nothing has to end. Individuality is not respected.
Celtic and Nordic language are part of my bloodline, but so few understand Swedish or any of the dialects of Gaelic and how the languages creep into everyday words that can also be used as English. For example kona, is a far seeing Nordic wisdom woman, not some druggo who smokes bongs!!
Pub goers understand toilet door lessons of what a mna or a fir is in an Irish themed pub. A representation of a truly destroyed culture that wastes itself away with alcohol and smoking.
Why else is there all the wrongful decisions in this world? People are out of kilter with the earth and the soul and of true humanity with spirit and ages old ways that must be used respectfully. People must be respected.
6.  Mar 31, 2011 at 01:34 AM
If you want other sizes for the Save the Gorilla TShirt then..
Look here for a whole lot of different tshirts, including plus sizes and maternity, singlets, pajamas..
I can also make to order. I can even make gear for your baby, mugs, posters, anything that you can put graphics onto on this site!
Samantha Aungle
7.  Mar 27, 2011 at 03:50 AM
The sound of my recent recordings
I only have my mobile phone to record sound at present. So that is why it is such poor quality sound, especially with the most recent two samples of good software – it is Native Instruments Kore Player that I made the two most recent sample tracks with.
I am financially bereft at present so I am waiting for the time when I have money for a good recording setup.
If anyone would like to buy my months old p-bass guitar package, or a 50W PA then let me know. See them here
If anyone has any spare old microphones, that sort of thing, I would like to hear from you!!
Samantha Aungle
8.  Mar 24, 2011 at 11:32 PM
The unnecessary testing of animals is an abuse!
Here is a classic example of animal abuse, where they do pointless laboratory tests on cats. The cats cost a few thousand dollars each and are not welfare animals or just any old cat. They have health to start with.
These tests prove nothing, and they can talk in all their scientific jarble as much as they like, or so they think. But it wastes time, it harms the animals – emotionally they get messed up by repetitive testing, and physically they are starved.
Physically they are seen as a test object, nothing more. And this, my friends, is made possible by the supermarket or vet brands of petfood. The last time I had a cat, I tried to feed him natural meat, but even then I used dry food for him to eat, especially as I was studying full time, so he had to have something that would not go off during long hours. You can buy organic pet food. We need assurance that it does not have testing uses on animals, that the companies do not test or allow tests such as the linked one.
I just hope that people see the sense of stopping the foolish behaviours and excuses of science to waste time and money and energy on scientific proving or studies when it is not necessary!!
Samantha Aungle
9.  Mar 23, 2011 at 03:59 AM
Bob Brown, Greens Senator gives over land!
And a beautiful place it is too.
The importance of the environment is utmost, I believe to this earth. I support the Greens politically.
Samantha Aungle
10.  Mar 20, 2011 at 07:41 AM
Animals that do not act the way you expect them to!
I have been motivated to show you some of these type of videos to prove that animals are not always living up to stereotypes.
and another
and another
It all depends on how you treat them, and how well you know their behaviour. A bear will act differently to a tiger or a dolphin. Yet you can tell how they they will act, going on studies of certain types of normal behaviour, the behaviour they will have in the wild when not caged or mistreated.
Animals have feelings and can grow to trust humans, and feel love for them.In fact, right now I have a trusting wild baby gecko running about on my leg! It comes up to me when on the computer after I sit here a while. Maybe an inch long body, and quite thin in its little precious body. I didn’t even intend for that to happen!
11.  Mar 12, 2011 at 03:23 AM
How are areas of earthquake and tsunami struck Japan coping?
How did the earthquake and subsequent flooding affect the areas of Hiroshima, and Nagasaki?
Where the nuclear bombing took place over 50 years ago.
Is the nuclear fallback and waste still polluting and destroying the land, the food and other crops, the animals, and the people? Is it carried over land with the flooding? Where are the studies or reports for this savagery of humanity?
How many babies and children end up looking like this?
Samantha Aungle
12.  Mar 11, 2011 at 01:29 AM
Endangered Animals Part 1 African Mountain Gorillas
I have begun to draw and research about the critically endangered Mountain Gorillas of Africa.
They have slow breeding, taking years to reach maturity from birth, and only then do the females have a few babies born in their lifetime.
That is if they survive the current ways of mankind. With tree logging, taking away the trees and edible plants of their wild forest areas ensures that they cannot always eat their natural diet, mostly herbivorous, except for some tree insects, or hide in the trees from predators. And then with needless shooting. A silverback and three females were shot a few years ago. This devastated the animals of the Gorilla family emotionally, they are a tribe of complex animals with feelings. They take so long to reproduce, the mothers have been lost, and they also lost their male elder! He is their leader.
and about one of their amazing trees that they eat
see a mountain gorilla with a Senecio here………………
13. Mar 08, 2011 at 09:40 AM
Videos of psychiatric wards from history’s perspective
There were many tortures and unethical treatments of forgotten and betrayed human beings in psych wards over the past few centuries.
For the Incurable Insane Part I
14. Mar 05, 2011 at 08:21 AM
Animal abuses are one thing, feral animals are another
I believe, looking at sites such as this:
That it is perfectly acceptable to commission, contract, or pay qualified and well aimed gun licence holders to shoot feral animals.
Feral animals destroy native endangered species.
They also destroy certain other fauna and flora particular to wild and suburban areas.
Welfare shelters are struggling with possible strays and surrendered animals, as well as the countless ones they humanely kull each day, who have had unmanageable health, old age, or behaviour issues. The RSPCA Yagoona NSW Shelter in the late 90′s used to inject rows of dogs with a death giving humane drug, then spark up for cremation onsite. I was a volunteer there in that time, and saw the deceased canines stiff bodies lined up on their dead backs, legs straight up in the air, awaiting the ash pile.
To kill the feral cats, dogs, cane toads, rats, etc..quickly, with good aim and humanely. That is the best option and the way to try to encourage dwindling species to remain on this earth. Not to become another statistic of man’s stupidity.
Man mucked with nature, man has to implement ways to protect it and stop it degrading any further.
15. Feb 21, 2011 at 01:49 AM
Animal abuses occur for the food you eat and clothing you wear!
See the sites mentioned below for video evidence of terrible inhumane acts towards animals.
Including animal testing and “farm” animals.
I wish for all the terrible things that happen to animals to stop!
Samantha Aungle
16.  Feb 11, 2011 at 09:29 AM
People speak truth and it is denied justice. Or not!
Valerie Wolf is a therapist in New Orleans who I have only just read about. She believes, when other therapists fail to help, or so I sense.
17.  Feb 11, 2011 at 08:48 AM
This is a secret society cover up to control people. Mind control.
The allopathic industry and government support this kind of hushed abuse when it comes to psychiatric “treatment”. This is revealed now, but of the 30′s. What happens to those we are not aware of now in this advanced technological society?!
18.  Jan 29, 2011 at 11:15 AM
TANKS The Ingredients
What a great workshop!
There were 3 working stations, for 3 different areas of music and promotion of people as solo musicians and also bands and groups, etc.
One station was for professional photographs to be taken. The second was for musical promotion information and contacts. Thirdly, the bio, and how to write it, how to improve it.
We had a supplied lunch inclusive, and the workshop was free to attend so I was impressed with that factor, being a foodie!
I should have my new professional photo by next week sometime.
Looking forward to seeing the result as I have no idea what I will look like!
BTW Happy New Chinese Year! The year of the metal mao.
I saw celebrations and stalls along the Esplanade in Cairns, my local city at present. Dancing dragons and Chinese hairless dogs!
Such a lovely culture with their traditional three piece Silk Ladies, I think they were called.
19. Jan 21, 2011 at 11:20 PM


I have started to research on this rain filled afternoon, the abuses of mental health systems.
I have found this site to be of terrible and truthful stories about Frances Farmer’s life.
She was a rising star. She had a ruined potential, they destroyed her ability to think and remember by electric shock treatment, by abuse, by rape, by experimentation with medication.
So was this list of people ruined by ECT! It causes memory loss, brain damage, and if not medicated against muscle movement, the seizures produced from ECT can cause broken bones!!
Frances Farmer said: “Never console yourself into believing that the terror has passed, for it looms as large and as evil today as it did in the despicable era of Bedlam. But I must relate the horrors as I recall them, in the hope that some force for mankind might be moved to relieve forever the unfortunate creatures who are still imprisoned in the back wards of decaying institutions.”
They abused her body and her right. Her sacred body.
There are still abuses like this happening today worldwide.
People are still subjected to being the unwilling victims in forced medication experimentation. People are forced against their will to be medicated, to be given electroshocks, to be strapped down, to be physically aggressed. To be stopped in their own life paths. Prevented from reaching their wonderful peaceful states and financial successes.
Stopped by a legal system that goes hand in hand with medication money. Stopped by a system of such poor sensing of what it is to be a human. Stopped by the foolish ways of the mental emphasis.
Drugs used in mental health have side effects that are documented. And also legally attested to be of harm because of side effects that can be dangerous. Side effects such as muscular spasm. Imagine that when driving a car! How physically limiting.
Such an emphasis on the mind and what it thinks!!
How others think! It is foolish to ask what a person thinks constantly. thoughts are just there to be thought. Why bother with that?
Have you ever had thoughts of killing yourself? Is a common question. Why is it asked, over and over again, with little total success in suicide prevention.
Or of the awareness of what is actually effective in changing people. To help people is not to pick away at them until they become so frazzled that they actually do have problems thinking or relaxing.
I think the mental health treatment lacks so much and only gives lack to people. It does not give slack to people. It gives slack treatment!!
20. Jan 13, 2011 at 09:41 AM


I had to stop playing music on my PA sonn after I began, so my bellydance busking went to the dogs. But I did get some support from some local girls, and one gave me a bracelet, another gave me some change. To try again another day. And to wait.
Waiting for my new electric p-bass. Not a Fender, just a cheap one, but it will good enough for me to learn on. I wanted a wooden Maya bass years ago when I lived in Newtown. It was under $100, but I couldn’t afford it, was getting even less money from the Government than I am now.
But I have to pay the rent. And my bills, that I can’t even afford!!
21. Dec 29, 2010 at 04:52 AM
I was dancing last night and have had some unusual circumstances that have drained me. I have had chronic fatigue on and off since 2007, and I am getting a bit of a slow down at present so it is best to stop while I am ahead.
22. Dec 14, 2010 at 10:26 PM


My life is opening up to new chances! And I am supported in this!
I am very happy with the way things are going!
And am also proud to say that an edited version I did of a profile pic on Reverbnation is up there now!
Ask me if you would like to have your profile pic or another graphic design image worked on. I can do CD images including text, can import your graphics and design onto the new design, can work on an illustration for you. Anything else artistically, just ask!
23. Dec 13, 2010 at 05:48 AM


I am sorry, I could not bellydance today. I have run out of money to get the bus, or anything else for a few days, and am waiting on a proper PA to play the traditional bellydance music. This is definitely to get some decent busking earnings. People look at music, where it is coming from. Then they watch and appreciate it more.
Samantha Aungle
24. Dec 12, 2010 at 03:19 AM


Just looking at clips on youtube of 9/11. It makes me feel. Inspired by a song I heard on Reverbnation.
25. Dec 10, 2010 at 06:22 AM
I am Samantha Aungle, new to Reverbnation!
I am happy for people to join the mailing list.
And to comment positively.
It is always nice to receive compliments.
Hope everyone has a good day, without controlling governments denying them of freedom to live as good people.
Samantha Aungle